Discounts on your auto insurance policy may help you have a lower premium cost. Below are some possible discount options that you may qualify for. Consult with your agent at Kingston Insurance Agency LLC in South Kingstown, RI for more information.
What Discounts Can Be Used To Determine Your Auto Insurance Cost?
Multiple Vehicle Policy Discounts
If you have more than one vehicle on an auto insurance policy, you can get a lower rate.
Driver Education discount
If you take a certified driver training course, you can get a policy discount.
Student discount
If you or a family member is a student with a B grade point average or better, you can qualify for a policy discount.
Safety Device discount
If your automobile has safety devices that can prevent auto accidents or limit the damage from them, you can get a discount. These types of devices include automatic seat belts, airbags, and anti-lock brakes.
Low Mileage discount
If the distance you drive is lower, the chance that you will be in an auto accident is lower. Fewer miles can mean a lower premium cost, too.
Good Diver discount
A good driver can get a discount for being in fewer accidents and having fewer problems that could lead to one.
Auto and Home discount
Your insurance company may give you a discount if you get your homeowner’s insurance and your auto insurance policy from them.
Anti-theft Device discount
If you have an anti-theft device installed on your vehicle, you can qualify for a discount.
Membership discount
If you or a household member have a membership to an organization, this may help you get a discount.
Contact Us Today
Call us today t at Kingston Insurance Agency LLC serving South Kingstown, RI for expert insurance advice.